MBSE BBS System Guide 1.1.0

Last update 01-Mar-2007




Release Notes


MBSE BBS Reference Manual

  1. Running a BBS under Linux
  2. Which distribution to use
  3. Basic installation MBSE BBS
  4. Upgrade MBSE BBS
  5. Configuring the bbs with mbsetup
    1. Edit Global configuration
    2. Edit Fido networks
    3. Edit Archiver programs
    4. Edit Virus scanners
    5. Edit Modem types
    6. Edit TTY lines info
    7. Edit Fidonet nodes
    8. Edit BBS setup
      1. Edit Security limits
      2. Edit Language setup
      3. Edit BBS menus
      4. Edit File areas
      5. Edit Transfer protocols
      6. Edit Oneliners
    9. Edit Mail setup
      1. Echo mail groups
      2. Echo mail areas
    10. Edit File echo's setup
      1. Edit Fileecho groups
      2. Edit Fileecho areas
      3. Edit Hatch manager
      4. Edit Magic files
    11. Edit Newfiles groups
    12. Edit Newfiles reports
    13. Edit Filefind setup
    14. Edit Files database
    15. Edit BBS users
    16. Edit Services
    17. Edit Domains
    18. Edit task manager
    19. Edit Routing Table
    20. Edit Internet BBS Chat
    21. Show software information
    22. Create site documents
  6. Starting and Stopping the BBS
  7. Setup mgetty for the BBS
  8. Programs and utilities
    1. mbaff, Announce newfiles and filefind
    2. mball, Allfiles and newfiles list creator
    3. mbcico, The Fidonet mailer ala ifcico
    4. mbdiff, Nodelist difference processor
    5. mbfido, Fidonet mail and files procesor
    6. mbfile, Files database maintenance program
    7. mbindex, Nodelist index compiler
    8. mblang, Language datafile compiler
    9. mblogin, Unix login replacement
    10. mbmon, The monitor program
    11. mbmsg, The messagebase utility program
    12. mbnntp, The news server
    13. mbout, The mailer outbound program
    14. mbpasswd, The passwd wrapper
    15. mbsebbs, The bbs program
    16. mbseq, Sequence number creator
    17. mbsetup, The setup program
    18. mbstat, The bbs status change program
    19. mbtask, The taskmanager for the bbs system
    20. mbtoberep, The toberep.data lister
    21. mbuser, The userbase maintenance program
    22. mbuseradd, The useradd wrapper
  9. Netmail routing behaviour
  10. Fido to Internet Gateway
  11. Email Gateway - Postfix setup.
  12. Nodediff and Nodelist processing
  13. Using UPS semafore's
  14. Running DOS doors on MBSE BBS
  15. Error return codes


Other Notes

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